Seeing an idea through to completion is where the real struggle lies. Staying motivated becomes a chore and often leads to piles of unfinished whims and failed attempts at completing a story. Stuck in this cycle, it’s easy to fall into a self-doubting trap. Finding the momentum again is hard. Without a published story, will you ever be able to call yourself an author?

To be a writer, you must write.

When a writer is ‘in the zone, they write with ease, with passion. Nothing gets in the way. Sometimes, despite the best of intentions, that doesn’t happen. You must write regularly, repeatedly – adding to your word count and developing your story into one with impact. The cliche of ‘life gets in the way’ is very apt –  balancing ambition with the practical demands of real life is difficult, but possible. After all, many published authors have walked this path too and know the struggles well. Achieving the goal of finishing your novel is within your reach.

Feeling short on time?
Being proactive can help with the guilt of neglecting your writing projects. Better time management skills carve out precious time to dedicate to writing. Making a commitment will edge you closer to becoming the author you dream of being. You start treating your work as your purpose – you were meant to write!

Write not just creatively, but productively.

Book Forge is an online programme to help you complete your creative works. This challenge-based programme combines routine, reminders and reflection to offer practical fixes to commonly experienced problems. Designed to encourage productive writing habits, Book Forge offers mentoring and coaching to develop confidence in your talent.

Book Forge is perfect for you if:

  • You’d value real-life advice from published authors 
  • You seek practical suggestions to help keep you on your writing path
  • You’re committed to the goal of completing your novel.

Advice as you need it

The programme offers support for six months – a realistic timescale for completing your novel. If you get stuck with your writing, you can access the answers you need for your specific needs. Advice is offered via group mentoring sessions and online resources. You may also extend your membership if you need longer. 

Learn at your own pace, set firmer boundaries to write and edge closer towards your vision of success.

To find out more about starting our Book Forge, get in touch.