Helping writers take back control of their own story

Hazel is a consistent writer who loves to teach; Deanne is a consistent teacher who loves to write.

Together, Hazel and Deanne have created Book Forge, a fellowship group that helps writers take back control of their own story, learn to believe in themselves, and sit in the chair to write the novel..

Team Book Forge

Deanne Adams

Deanne spent fifteen years teaching before pursuing a whole new career as a story coach. The greatest lesson she ever learned was in her teacher training year: that the answer to, ‘What do you teach?’ was not ‘English’. The answer was ‘Children’.

Over twenty years on, her answer to the question, ‘What do you coach?’ is not, ‘Writing stories,’ but ‘Writers’.

Hazel Hitchins

Hazel took the plunge and turned from hobbyist to full-time writer seven years ago and hasn’t looked back, also working with many other writers at varying stages of their creative journey.

She discovered that many found the hardest part about writing was… well, writing – showing up, day after day, and getting words on the page. She and Deanne want to help people like you to do just that.

Mentoring for Writers

Book Forge is perfect for you if:

  • You’re ready to finish those stories you have been working on
  • You’d value real-life advice from published authors 
  • You seek practical exercises tailored to your place on your writing path
  • You’re committed to the goal of getting your

    book finished


  • Are you a writer who wants to stay motivated and track your progress?
  • Do you need a simple and fun way to celebrate your achievements along the way?
  • Do you want to discover your most productive hours so you can tailor your day to be more creative?

Commit to making progress!

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Blogs from Book Forge

So Much to Write, So Little Time

So Much to Write, So Little Time

Seeing an idea through to completion is where the real struggle lies. Staying motivated becomes a chore and often leads to piles of unfinished whims...